I have enjoyed this week immenseIy! Super busy as ever, a lot of party planning going on and collaborations brewing:D
I had a brilliant time meeting and getting messy with the first staff group from Class of Their Own to take part in the JuliaArts Core Kit Face Paint Training...a few pictures below:) Together we're aiming for a little army of face painting playworkers!:D
It's a loooong time since I've stood at the front of a training room and I still love it! It takes lots of preparation and I... Continue reading ...
Posted by Julia Arts on Wednesday, April 25, 2012,
Face Painting Friday!:P Well from 3-6 at the Celebrate 2012 Charity Fashion Show Aaannd there's a little hint of me Besparkling a Burlesque troop in Brighton this summer
Aaaannnd I'm in discussions with a local after school and holiday club provider :D
Aaaaaaannnd I've been designing a Snazaroo based Face Painting Pallette quite unlike anything out there in the market currently that I may well offer for sale through the JuliaArts Website! :D